Sep 17, 2008

From Lipstick on A Pig, to The Economy Is Basically Sound - But at Least, We're Back on The Issues

The love affair with the McCain/Palin has diminished with a rather horrible financial week. So, the pundits jumped on McCain for saying "the fundamentals of our economy are strong", on the same day the Dow dropped over 500 points. So exactly, how is McCain truly connecting with the common person, and our lives in general?

In the past, emotional appeals really worked - ads targeted regarding anger, fear, pride, and patriotism, were VERY effective at clouding the issues. These tactics also forebode of hidden agendas, the protectionism of the White House, and general non-accountability to the public the president was elected to serve.

And putting Sarah Palin out as a substitute for Hillary Clinton, will tend to go on the back burner when Wall Street decides to crash. However, riding on last weeks pump from the Convention via his VP nominee, McCain keeps that UPBEAT feel in his campaign, positive track for country, but Maverick for Change (trying to pull that limelight off of Barrack's original message). However, its STILL the same track that Bush took in 2004.

Later, when pounced on his phrasing by the opposition, McCain backpedals to "Well, it's obviously true that the workers of America are the fundamentals of our economy", implying he meant the American Workers are making the Economy Sound. Of course, the Obama campaign was all over this, and pundits had jokes in the Media (wonder what Bill Maher will be bringing up this week.)

Well, alright then, let me weigh in. We've got financial institutions dropping like flies swatted on the proverbial Wall. And workers, what workers? Last night I spoke with Customer Service for Vonage due to an inquiry, I was speaking to the Philippines. Symantec Support? India, where the Rep confirmed that College Education is free (and our country competes with this how?) And of course, I seriously believe this had to do with WaMu's demise - the all new Customer Support in the Philippines that spoke worse English than Vonage, and didn't understand a THING about American Financial Matters (i.e. IRS, Loans, etc).

And I am pleading with others to take the emotionalism out of whom they chose for President. I'm not looking for who can humiliate who better, and I'm not afraid of Iran dropping a bomb on my living room. Yes, I'm angry at the Current Administration, that with the Majority caused the deterioration of this Country, and when the Dems became the Majority, first took the Most Veto Action that I have ever seen. Unfortunately, I see McCain as continuing the Veto affair with Congress, since the Dems will remain in power (which is WHY such a hard push for the presidency, the Republicans don't want to LOSE EVERYTHING!!)

And yes, I feel I am an American - because there is no United States of the Republicans, there is no United States of the Democrats, there is Simply the United States of America. And finally, I'm no longer asking What I Can Do For My Country (since My Country Isn't Working), I am NOW asking What My Country can do for me. After all, these folks are our elected servants, meant to REPRESENT US. Since we come as a variety, the need to meet Commonly across both aisles, turning down the Partisan Politics (think Drilling for Oil Here), and lay off the friggin Veto Pen, are all at the forefront of mine and others choice for President.

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