Sep 14, 2008

The Cheapest Computer is the One You Already Own!

If you are like I, you haven't yet set aside the cash for a NEW COMPUTER. So, the only way you would be able to obtain one is if -

a. You go into Debt. But this is a bad idea, as debt is what is contributing to our current economic crisis. Why continue to feed this unsustainable Machine?

b. Someone gifts it to you. While this is a great idea, it doesn't hurt to save some money up (details coming below.)

So, here is my quandry. I'm running a machine that was custom built in 2001. Since then, I've had to change the memory once (still running Sdram here) - and the Hard drive failed once (because of my bios, it stopped booting the computer, and I had the drive ghosted to a new drive).

Future Plans? Upgrade memory to 512mb (that's the max this machine will hold). And leave the operating system somewhat what it is (Win 2k Pro). While the upgrade of memory comes first, I am also saving up for a newer Computer - Internet Only system, to tie to this computer via my router.

P.S. - I STRONGLY advocate a non-wireless router - such as Linksys, because it runs ZoneAlarm separate from the computer. I don't believe firewalls are best on the computer, they are best before the bad stuff hits the computer - and this also saves computer resources.

Current problems and work arounds? IE isn't really supported for systems below XP anymore, so my best IE browser is version 6. A LOT of websites are not really developing for this browser anymore (I am having problems with EBay for example). Solution, download Mozilla Firefox. This browser is NOT tied to your operating system, and the add ons are great. Plus its FREE. Downfall, some released plugins (like Media Player), are not supported for systems below XP.

Another, which came up over the weekend (and halted by writing) - Anti Virus Support. I tried the free McAfee, which comes with my Internet provider for free - and my system slowed to a crawl (that was Anti Virus only - and a few years ago - don't even want to try it now). I had loaded System Works 2003, and later upgraded to Norton AntiVirus 2005. Now, Symantec has stopped supporting systems below XP and Vista also (can you say, everyone wants you to buy a new computer? In this economy?) So, they allowed me to purchase a subscription to 2005 - BUT - they sent me 2006 (which caused all sorts of Havoc on my Computer).

Later, we removed the 2006, I was refunded my money (we'll wait to see how that turns out) - and downloaded 2005 (which later it turned out we didn't need to do - I already had a copy on my hard drive). Now - apparently - we have a corrupted file somewhere - because it will no longer let me download the Trusted Application List (needed for Internet Worm protection - which I wasn't running - due to system resource hogging again).

So, with a little research - came up with some GREAT freebies for Anti Virus. AVG free IS available (version 7 is better) for win 2k via Cnet downloads. Also, Avast supports many platforms, and has some great reviews via Cnet. Now, I also visit the websites to see what they have to say - and I've chosen to try Avast. Haven't installed yet - but am looking forward to it (lets see if I need the pro version). AVG has been noted as having FALSE POSITIVES, but that's the newer version 8.

So, we have FREE web browser with lots of functionality (love it much better than IE, looking forward to try Google's offering), not targeted by scammers, spyware, etc., because its not linked to your operating system. Free anti virus tools not targeted by trojans, etc - because they are not mainstream (Norton is the MOST attacked system out there), supports multiple platforms, and use less resources than those that are most common AND cost money.

Also, save up for a new computer - look at options like Dell Outlet for refurbished items. Bet by next Jan, Feb - the prices will go down.

Firefox 3

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